Sunday, October 4, 2009

Meeting and Rife Machine

Hi everybody!
So, yesterday I went to a Lyme's Disease Meeting, where we discussed alternative forms of treatments to Lyme's, aside from anti-biotics. The main topic of yesterday's meeting however, was the Rife machine.
Rife machines are experimental electronic frequency devices that anyone can purchase. From what i gathered yesterday, it's a machine that sends out electronic frequencies through your body. There are different versions of the machine, and some are more powerful than others. According to the meeting yesterday, you really only need a few minutes on the machine to have a full treatment.
While our group was trying the machine, it was suggested that a newcomer only Rife for a very short time, around 3o seconds. It seemed that even a minute on the machine was ambitious. The reason for rifing for such a short period of time is the herxing affects. Yes, you do Herx on a Rife machine.
For those of you who don't know what Herxing is, it's where a strong treatment for a disease, like antibiotics, cause the patients symptoms to get worse before they get better. A Rife machine should only cause a Herx lasting 2-3 days at the most. Some of the group members said they herxed only a day before seeing positive affects from the rifing.
I did not get the chance to try out the machine yesterday, but I'm lookiing into trying it sometime in the near future. So, what are you're feelings on this treatment for Lymes?

P.S. I'm obviously not an Md. I'm just trying to provide a source of information! :)

For More Information and Testimonies on Rife, Check out these sites:

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hi everyone!
So, this blog was created to help support people with Lyme's and Chronic Lyme's Disease; specifically teenagers and young adults.
As a teen with Chronic Lyme's Disease, I know that it's an extremely difficult disease to live with. Between the misconceptions people have of this disease and the complete unawareness of its severity, social understanding and acceptance is hard to come by.
What I'm hoping to do, is create a place where young people with Lyme's can come and talk, to have a social outlet full of people who understand what you're going through!